The Ute Queen and Glenwood Hot Springs

Many Ute stories speak of powerful water spirits who resided in rivers, lakes, and hot springs. These spirits were often associated with healing, fertility, and protection. Glenwood Hot Springs, renowned for its immense pools and captivating waters, whispers tales of a benevolent spirit intertwined with the land's healing energy – the Ute Queen. Her legend paints a picture of compassion, connection, and the enduring reverence for nature held by the Ute people.

The Ute Queen is a Guardian of the Spring, she resides within the spring, protecting its waters and granting their healing properties. Emerged from the spring's depths, she is depicted as a young, graceful woman with long, flowing hair and eyes reflecting the shimmering water. She uses the spring's warmth to mend the sick and injured, demonstrating her nurturing nature. She imparts knowledge about the spring's sacred properties and instructs the Ute people on its respectful use.

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Our Love of Hot Springs


Deschutes National Forest - Exploring the Myth of Slangwawa